Government Gives Me the Creeps

When we talk about government, whether it’s local, state or federal, it’s important to remember it’s kinda  creepy. Now let me explain. Legislators do best when they come into the process with a solid set of core Biblical and Constitutional values. These are the...

It’s Broke. Fix it!

Sometimes in the realm of politics and public policy, it’s time to step back, take a deep breath and admit to ourselves that something is not working. In the eyes of many policy makers, that time has come for the office of the Montana Commissioner of Political...

National School Choice

It’s always fun when our people come to the Capitol. And yesterday they came by the busload to celebrate National School Choice Week; to celebrate education and the idea that every child deserves the right to find their perfect educational fit, be that public school,...

National School Choice Week Rally

A crowd of more than 350 gathered on the steps of Montana’s capitol building on Wednesday, January 25th. Part of National School Choice Week, the event raised awareness of how school choice helps every student find their perfect educational fit. Organized by the...

Elections Have Consequences

Yesterday pro-lifers from across Montana gathered to mourn the loss of nearly 60 million babies since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. And although they were there to mourn, they were also there to celebrate—to celebrate life in all its glory; to celebrate life and...

Montana Pastors Network

In recent years, the left has employed a new tactic in their efforts to redesign our culture. In legislative hearings and city council meetings across the state, they trot out ministers from so-called “Christian” churches who unapologetically claim that the Bible...